Place-name:Palmsike Burn
Suggested Meaning: sluggish stream’
1st element:Scots peat
2nd element:Scots sike, syke ‘sluggish stream’
Blaeu Coila (1654):No Entry
OS Name Books (1855-57):Palmsike Burn
Location:Palmsike Burn


There is nothing in the shape of the sike (or burn) to suggest the palm of the hand.

Sike, Syke

A Sike or Syke is described as –

A small stream, rill or water-course, especially one that meanders through a hollow or across flat or boggy ground and is freqently dry in summer

Dictionary of the Scots Language [2]

the sheughs and the sykes

Laird of Logan “Colin Dulap” [3]


The place-name element burn has been appended.

The Palmsike Burn flows into the Beoch Lane as does Mitchell’s Syke and Otter Sike.

Map 1: Palmsike Burn | Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland


[1] Dictionaries of the Scots Language |syke, sike
[2] The Laird of Logan, Or, Anecdotes and Tales Illustrative of the Wit and Humour of Scotland
Reproduced with the Permission of National Library of Scotland
Map 1: Ordnance Survey 6 inch (1892-1960) |Palmsike Burn
Ordnance Survey Name Books
By Permission of Scotland’s Places
Ayrshire OS Name Books (1855-57) Vol. 49|Palmsike Burn