Reeve Knowe

Place-name:Reeve Knowe
Suggested Meaning: sheep-pen hillock
1st element (1) S. reeve ‘pen, enclosure’
2nd element:S. knowe ‘hillock, mound’
Blaeu Coila (1654):No Entry
OS Name Books (1855-57):Reeve Knowe
Location:Ordnance Survey (1894)

Reeve Knowe

The Ordnance Survey Name Book (1855-57) entry for Reeve Knowe reads –

A small Knowe north of Nether Beoch, near a Sheepfold

Map 1 Reeve Knowe | Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland

1st element: Scots reeve ‘pen, enclosure’ [1]

The Dictionaries of the Scots Language Scots entry for reeve reads –

I. n. 1. A pen or enclosure for confining an animal, e.g. a pen or fold for sheep or cattle, a pig-sty, a chicken-run

A circular sheep pen is shown on the Reeve Knowe near the Gullet Sike and is referred to as a sheep ree; i.e. Scots ree ‘a permanent stone sheep-pen where sheep are confined during stormy weather, shearing etc.‘ [2].

2nd element: Scots knowe ‘hillock’ [3]

The commonly used Scots knowe ‘hillock’ is found throughout the parish of New Cumnock and particularly here in the lands of Beoch – with Bught Knowe, West Knowe, Reeve Knowe and Green Knowe in close proximity.


[1] Dictionaries of the Scots Language |reeve
[2] Dictionaries of the Scots Language |ree
[2] Dictionaries of the Scots Language |knowe
Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland
Map 1 | Ordnance Survey (1892-1948) |Reeve Knowe
Ordnance Survey Name Books
By Permission of Scotland’s Places
Ayrshire OS Name Books (1855-57) Vol. 49| Reeve Knowe